A little help from their friends

With a little help from their friends, mom and dad shingled the roof, painted the trim and installed cedar shingles on the workshop during the first few weeks of September, 2009. Soon after they began moving in items to be stored as they undertook the long process of sorting through 35 years worth of personal possessions in their old home to decide what would survive the move and what had to go.
North elevation of the workshop
Northwest corner of the workshop

Mom shingling the roof
Mom and her sister shingling the roof
Northwest corner with Airstream
Dad flashing around the chimney
Dad painting the soffit
Mom installing cedar shingles

One of the first things to go into the workshop was the kitchen cabinets and granite countertop mom and dad purchased from the ReStore in January 2009. This kitchen had come from a home in Falmouth and was donated to the ReStore when that home was being remodeled. The cabinets were in perfect condition and the granite was beautiful, and only minor modifications were required to the design of the house to accommodate them.

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