Driveway staked out |
Mom and dad clearing the site |
We decided to build the workshop building before making a start on the house, for storage during construction of the house and to facilitate the move since it looked like it might be necessary for mom and dad to sell their old house before construction would be complete on their new home. In the interest of saving money, and because they actually enjoy doing this kind of stuff, mom and dad cleared the workshop site of a few small trees and brush, and also planned to install the roofing and siding on the building.
Site Plan |
Starting in July, 2009 the sitework contractor built the access drive into the site and brought in a small amount of fill to create a level pad for the workshop. This 24’ x 20’ building was designed with the same detailing as the main house exterior, and utilized advanced framing techniques to make the most efficient use of framing lumber and eliminate redundancy.
For more details on advanced framing techniques see this article on The strategies employed in this simple rectangular building with a shed roof are:
- Framing at 24" on center
- Align roof rafters with wall studs for direct transfer of loads
- Single top-plates
- Reduce header sizes in non-load-bearing walls
- Two-stud exterior corners
North elevation of workshop |
Northwest corner of workshop |
It took about 3 weeks to get the foundation walls and floor slab poured, walls and roof framed and the entire building sheathed. The contractor also installed building paper and roof underlayment, exterior trim and installed exterior doors and windows. The 4 windows and person-door were recycled items purchased from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Portland. The large double-door on the north side of the building was custom-built by the contractor.